Our Difference Montgomery Denton September 7, 2023

Our services deliver products that fit your marketing vision. Comprehensive. Customized. Integrated.

Premium ingredients: Vanilla

Food scientist drops flavoring into large beaker

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Custom Formulations & Flavoring

Great nutraceuticals marry premium ingredients with the right delivery format—a delicate art and precise science mastered by our professionals over years of serving clients like you.

We collaborate with you on formulation, flavor, and appearance, ensuring that your product delivers the benefits you and your customers want. Our ingredients—from chocolates to berries, citrus to coffee—come from trusted sources across a robust supply chain.

Tailored solutions harness the best ingredients and the right delivery mechanism.


When developing a custom formulation, our flavorists work with you to identify the best ingredients and create a supplement that makes your vision come to life.

But will the formulation work? Fit your needs? Be safe and appealing? Our sampling services let you test consistency, appearance, and flavor. Your account manager will walk you through the sampling process and provide options for sweetness, flavor, and consistency.

We help supplement creators realize dreams and scale enterprises.

Close up of sunflower center with seeds
Close up of blue capsules

We build formats that deliver nature’s bio-nutritional power.

Curry plant leaves with beads of water
Food scientist testing ingredients

Testing & Quality Control

Before new products go to market, we rigorously test for consistency, appearance, and flavor, knowing that safety and purity standards help private label nutraceutical brands stand out in the health and wellness marketplace. We routinely test raw materials, intermediate production samples, and finished products—guaranteeing that your product is safe, truthfully labeled, and marketed.

Somafina prioritizes safe, compliant manufacturing. We offer third-party testing, which confirms that your product is unadulterated and safe. In addition we test for product stability and heavy metals.

Our in-house testing includes FTIR Spectrometry, FT-NIR Spectrometry, HPLC, and Microbial testing.

Packaging & Labeling

Any new supplement has to stand out on the shelf and reinforce a brand’s uniqueness. Typeface, color, package design—all must have strong visual appeal and comply with international regulations and guidelines. Somafina facilities are NSF / GMP registered, with compliance extending from manufacturing through labeling and packaging.

Our graphic designers create hundreds of unique, brand-driven labels. Our labels and packages meet all FDA standards for typography and font, usage directions, warnings and disclaimers, ingredient formatting, and supplement panel creation.

Need a point-of-sale display to burnish your brand? Yes, we do that.

Slices of grapefruit
Packaging of liquid nutraceutical

Experience counts. It means saving time and being able to generate exciting innovations.

Somafina by the numbers

Bottles Filled
0 K
Powder bottles filled
0 K
Capsules Produced
0 M
Kilograms mixed
0 K